Monday, October 18, 2010

On the other side...

...of my camera lens.
I took the boys to the park last Friday after I picked them up from daycare so we could let loose and have some fun. I set my camera down on the platform of the equipment because Ethan loves when he and I go down the little slide together. Austin, just off to my right, said he wanted to take a picture of us. How could I say no? I made sure my camera settings were still right (I shoot in Manual about 98% of the time! Yay!). I helped him put the camera strap around his neck, then told him to look through the eyepiece to see if he could see both Ethan and I, back up a bit, and then press the button. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out! Austin says that in addition to being a "Police" he wants to take pictures of people, too. :) Way to make a mama proud!
